Consumers role in the Horticulture Sustainability Framework

How you can help support the goals of the Horticulture Sustainability Framework

Hort Innovation, the premier grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australia’s horticulture industry, recently released the highly anticpated 2023/24 Australian-grown Horticulture Sustainability Framework.

People, natural resources, communities and thriving businesses are core to the sustainability of Australian-grown horticulture. Horticulture’s many industries produce fruits, vegetables, nuts and greenlife that are essential for the health and wellbeing of people, communities and landscapes.

Hort Innovation has worked with Australian horticulture’s industries and stakeholders to develop the 2023/24 Australian-grown Horticulture Sustainability Framework. It is a process for understanding and measuring the many elements of sustainability of Australian-grown horticultural production and setting goals for the future.

The 2023/24 Australian-grown Horticulture Sustainability Framework:
The 2023/24 Australian-grown Horticulture Sustainability Framework comprises four fundamental pillars, each focussing on distinct key themes: Nourish and Nurture, People and Enterprise, Planet and Resources and lastly Climate and Waste.
Within the ‘Climate and Waste’ segment of the 2023/24 Australian-grown Horticulture Sustainability Framework, there is a particular objective directly addressing waste management and packaging concerns:

Goal: Packaging is minimised, recyclable, compostable or reusable

This specific waste focussed goal, along with all of the goals in the 2023/24 Australian-grown Horticulture Sustainability Framework also align with global goals set by the United Nations.

How Naturpac is helping support this goal

Naturpac stands firmly committed to advancing the objectives outlined in the 2023/24 Australian-grown Horticulture Sustainability Framework. Through our innovative packaging solutions, we actively contribute to the achievement of the Framework’s waste reduction goals.

Embracing the principle of “Packaging is minimised, recyclable, compostable, or reusable,” Naturpac consistently develops packaging options that not only enhance the shelf-life of fresh produce but also prioritise environmental sustainability. By offering packaging that extends the days of shelf-life while remaining recyclable or compostable, we ensure that growers and consumers alike can enjoy the benefits of packaging without compromising our planet’s health.

Gold, Silver and Bronze standards
Above all else, every line that is introduced into the Naturpac range must support a common goal. It must be For a Better Earth. The materials, processes, producers and partners must all be working to this common goal.

Our product range has then been divided into three types of packaging standards:

Gold standard: Truly Compostable

Gold Standard is the goal. Long term we must strive for truly compostable solutions.

Silver standard: Truly Biodegradable

The Naturpac Silver standard represents our biodegradable range. This tier is a stepping stone from goodness to greatness.

Bronze standard: Truly Recyclable

The Naturpac Bronze standard range includes an industry leading range of recyclable alternative packaging options.

How you can also help support this goal at home

As the 2023/24 Australian-grown Horticulture Sustainability Framework highlights the importance of minimising packaging and promoting recyclable, compostable, or reusable materials, individuals at home play a crucial role in supporting this goal too.

By making simple yet impactful changes to our daily habits, we can contribute to a more sustainable future. Every small action taken at home aligns with the broader sustainability efforts outlined in the framework, fostering a culture of environmental stewardship and responsibility for generations to come.

Everyday tips to minimise packaging waste

Choose products with minimal packaging

Opt for items that come with minimal or no packaging whenever possible. Buying loose produce or products in bulk can significantly reduce the amount of packaging waste generated.

Bring your own reusable bags and containers

Bring your own reusable bags, containers, and jars when shopping for groceries or other items. This allows you to avoid single-use plastic bags and packaging provided by stores.

Avoid individually wrapped items

Whenever feasible, select items that are not individually wrapped or packaged. For example, choose a whole fruit instead of pre-cut fruit packaged in plastic containers.

Look for eco-friendly packaging alternatives

Seek out products that use eco-friendly packaging materials such as paper, cardboard, glass, or compostable materials. Supporting brands that prioritise sustainable packaging options encourages positive change in the industry.

Reduce online shopping packaging waste

Consolidate online orders to minimise the amount of packaging materials used for shipping. Additionally, opt for retailers that offer minimal packaging or eco-friendly packaging options.

Easy home Recycling tips

Know your local recycling guidelines

Familiarise yourself with your local councils recycling program’s guidelines to understand which types of packaging materials are accepted for recycling in your area. This helps ensure that your recycling efforts are effective and avoid contamination.

Clean and sort packaging materials

Before recycling, rinse out containers and remove any food residue or contaminants. Sort packaging materials into different categories such as glass, plastic, paper, and cardboard to streamline the recycling process.

Flatten cardboard and break down boxes

Flatten cardboard boxes and break down large packaging materials to save space in your recycling bin and make collection more efficient. This also helps prevent overflowing bins and minimises the need for additional waste disposal.

Check for recycling symbols

Look for recycling symbols or codes on packaging to identify the type of material used and whether it is recyclable. Common symbols include the chasing arrows symbol with a number inside, indicating the material type, and the loop symbol, indicating recyclability.

Reduce contamination

Avoid placing non-recyclable items or materials that are soiled with food waste into your recycling bin, as this can contaminate the entire batch and reduce the effectiveness of recycling efforts. Be mindful of what you put into your recycling bin to maximise the recyclability of the materials collected.

Get Composting – some tips to get you started

Start with the basics

Begin composting by setting up a compost bin in your backyard or balcony. You can compost various organic materials such as fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells, and garden waste like leaves and grass clippings.

Know what can be composted

Familiarise yourself with what can and cannot be composted. In addition to food scraps and garden waste, some compostable packaging materials can now be added to your compost too.

Cut down on waste

Reduce your household waste by composting food scraps and other organic materials instead of sending them to the landfill. By composting, you divert valuable nutrients from ending up in the trash and instead create nutrient-rich soil amendment for your garden or plants.

Maintain the right balance

Achieve a balanced mix of green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) materials in your compost pile to optimise decomposition. Green materials include food scraps and grass clippings, while brown materials include dry leaves, paper, and cardboard. Aim for a ratio of about 1:3 green to brown materials.

Monitor and turn your compost

Regularly monitor the moisture and temperature levels of your compost pile to ensure proper decomposition. Turn or aerate the compost pile periodically to promote oxygen flow and speed up the composting process. Composting can take several months to a year, depending on various factors such as temperature and moisture levels. Be patient and enjoy the process of turning waste into valuable soil for your garden.

If you can’t Recycle, then Reuse! Tips for Reusing product packaging

Get crafty with cardboard

Turn cardboard packaging, such as cereal boxes or moving boxes, into fun DIY projects like homemade storage containers, organisers, or even creative pet toys. Let your imagination run wild and unleash your inner artist!

Transform glass jars into kitchen essentials

Repurpose glass jars from pasta sauce, jams, or pickles as convenient storage containers for pantry staples like rice, beans, or nuts. They also make excellent containers for homemade salad dressings, overnight oats, or portable snacks on the go.

Give plastic containers a new life

Reuse plastic containers, such as yogurt or deli containers, for various purposes around the house. They can be repurposed as plant pots for seedlings, paint palettes for arts and crafts projects, or storage containers for small items like buttons, nails, or screws.

Upcycle produce bags for creative endeavours

Turn mesh produce bags into handy scrubbers for cleaning dishes or vegetables, or repurpose them as gentle exfoliating washcloths for the shower. You can also use them as protective covers for delicate fruits or vegetables in the refrigerator to prevent bruising.

Reinvent egg cartons for gardening

Give egg cartons a new lease on life by using them as seed starters for your garden. Simply fill each compartment with potting soil, plant seeds, and watch them grow into healthy seedlings. Once the seedlings are ready to transplant, you can cut apart the individual compartments and plant them directly into the soil, carton and all!

Towards a Greener Path

The 2023/24 Australian-grown Horticulture Sustainability Framework sets a comprehensive roadmap towards a more sustainable future for the horticulture sector. With a focus on waste reduction and packaging sustainability, exemplified by key goals outlined, the Framework aligns industry efforts with global sustainability initiatives.

In addition to stakeholders and leaders across the supply chain, consumers, customers, and real people at home also play a vital role in achieving the goals outlined in the Framework. By making conscious choices in their purchasing habits and daily routines, individuals contribute significantly to reducing waste and promoting sustainable packaging practices. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the future of packaging in Australia and beyond, creating a more environmentally responsible and resilient horticulture industry for generations to come.

Want to learn more about Naturpac?

Naturpac are an eco friendly packaging company in NSW, Australia created by J-Tech Systems to bring a new level of farm produce sustainable packaging to the fresh produce industry. Environmental packaging and sustainable produce packaging are Naturpac’s specialty with a focus on recycled packaging, recyclable packaging, biodegradable packaging and compostable packaging.

We are passionate about sustainability education, especially sustainability education in schools and for children to help young consumers of today shape the world for tomorrow. 

At Naturpac we offer a broad range of fresh produce packaging supplies that are environmentally friendly. If you are in the fresh produce industry check out our range

Naturpac, for a better earth.